Maritime Seniors' Golf Association

Friendship through golf.

Letter From The President October 2023

Dear Fellow MSGA Members:

As I begin my term as President of the MSGA, I invite all current and past members to reflect on what a century of MSGA golf friendship means to you. During the past few years, we have endured the ravage of COVID-19 which has seriously impacted our membership, and many of our past members have retired from golf for various reasons. As a result, we have experienced a major decline in our membership, and it needs to be addressed if we want the MSGA to continue providing a meaningful golfing experience.

To ensure our viability we need to increase our membership and it will require a commitment from all of us as the task of recruiting new members cannot be left to a few individuals. We all need to become ambassadors for the MSGA. As a member, you have enjoyed the camaraderie which the golfing activities of the MSGA have provided during the years. We need you to share your experiences with friends whom you believe would appreciate being a member of the MSGA. Therefore, my challenge to you for the coming year is to commit to introducing one new perspective member to one of the 2024 field eventsNew members will hopefully bring other members which will help build the membership and ensure that the MSGA can continue to provide an enjoyable golfing experience for its members for another 105 years.

During the coming months, I will work with the Membership Committee to develop a long-term strategy to address the issue of membership recruitment and retention. However, we cannot expect the membership to simply increase because we have a strategy in place, achieving the objectives of our strategy will require a commitment from all members.

Please look through the schedule of the tentative field day activities for 2024. I would invite you to add these dates to your golfing agenda for 2024, and please share it with a friend.

I do want to thank you for your support and feel free to contact me with your suggestions or concerns.


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Louis LaPierre
President MSGA, 2024